While tangible assets may be the first things that individuals consider in their estate plans, individuals have an ever-increasing number of intangible assets that need to be planned for, as well. A recent article offers 5 tips to assist you in planning for these assets.
- Create and update a list of all financial Web sites you access: This list should include usernames, passwords, and the answers to security questions.
- Name a digital executor in your estate plan: This person could also be the executor of your estate, but does not have to be.
- Consider whether there are digital heirlooms worth preserving: There may be pictures, music, or special documents that you would like passed down after your death.
- Find a safe place to store all of this information: The list you create will necessarily contain sensitive information. Therefore, store it in a safe place where it will not be accessed prematurely.
- Put your digital plan in writing: Draft a clear statement as to what you would like to happen with your digital assets and make sure it is in a place that can be easily located by your heirs.
For assistance in planning for your intangible assets, contact us at (626) 696-3145.