A will is just one planning tool

If a person only has a will, can the executor make medical decisions for that person?

According to a column on nwitimes.com, the answer is no.

Estate planning is more than a will. It involves not just who gets your stuff, but also putting your affairs in order to address a number of issues after your death.

There is a good chance of becoming incapacitated. As a result, you should have something in place to address that.

The will is the meat and potatoes of your estate plan, the column says. But there is more needed. If you want something that will help you out while you are still alive, an estate plan is the answer.

It includes power of attorney to authorize someone to make financial decisions on your behalf, a health care representative to make medical decisions for you and a trust so probate can be avoided after you die.

If you have questions about estate planning, feel free to contact us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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