Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Decline

May help Alzheimer’s patients in advance.  A new study has identified that artificial intelligence may be able to detect Alzheimer’s disease a decade before the symptoms actually appear.  Machine learning now shows significant counters for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s up to one decade in advance.

This means those patients who may ultimately develop Alzheimer’s disease will have plenty of opportunity to get their legal and financial affairs in order before putting their beneficiaries or loved ones in a difficult position of trying to make these decisions.  When people receive a sudden dementia diagnosed and experience cognizant decline immediately there may be concerns over mental capacity and appropriate estate planning goals.

The study look at the Alzheimer’s imaging initiative database located at University Southern California Los Angeles.  Of the brain scans reviewed, 29 belonged to healthy individuals and 38 belonged to Alzheimer’s patients. The artificial intelligence may be able to detect mild cognitive impairment up to 84% of the time.

Talking with an estate planning lawyer immediately can help.

And this algorithm can be an effective tool for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s before the actual clinic symptoms begin to appear.  Some of those recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s needs to engage in estate planning immediately.

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