Caregiver Stress Very Real

When it comes to providing long-term care to the sick and/or elderly, the heavy lifting falls on close family members. They can be spouses, children, other family or friends. And it is a stressful job.

Caregivers face a variety of physical, emotional, and economic strains that result in stress and, in many cases, burnout, says an article on

Physical demands can involve lifting patients in and out of a bed or car, carrying wheelchairs, bathing patients, feeding them, shopping for them and more.

The job is also emotionally taxing, the story notes. Often, patients will not follow directions, and may even act out, biting, swearing or wandering away. You may feel angry towards them.

And the money – caregivers do it without pay, and may have to take time off from work. Many items have to be purchased by the caregivers as insurance doesnโ€™t cover them.

If you are a caregiver, you may be facing burnout if you become sad or moody, sleep too little or too much, feel like you have no time for yourself, eat too little or too much, lose interest in hobbies, and become isolated from friends.

If you find these things occurring, it is probably a good idea to talk with a counselor. You may need help. You may want to look into adult day care, a nursing facility, or hire an aide, if you can afford any of these.

Churches and community or government programs may also offer some help.

If you have questions about elder law issues, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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