Checklist for Individuals Taking Care of the Elderly

Elder law attorneys will frequently work with both caregivers of elderly clients and their family members for the process of Medicaid planning, estate planning, as well as applying for and obtaining veterans’ benefits, if necessary.

Although the majority of this legal work is focused on the elderly client, a checklist can also help with legal options for caregivers. One of the most important things that a caregiver can do is to identify the location of any estate planning documents. The best estate planning that anyone can do is to have all estate planning documents, including a will and a power of attorney well before they are actually needed.

These can become critical for caregivers when a loved one later is determined to be incapable of making decisions for themselves. The power of attorney and all of the relevant documents should be stored in a safe location.

A caregiver may also need to obtain access to medical information. A HIPAA authorization form will streamline the access to this medical information so that there are no challenges if a problem does emerge.

Caregivers can face significant problems in getting access to a loved one’s medical records without these materials in place. When it comes to Medicaid planning, appropriately drafted estate planning documents can help a caregiver to assist with the application for Medicaid benefits while also preserving a loved one’s assets. Approaching Medicaid planning well in advance is one of the best ways to accomplish all of these goals. Talk to an estate planning lawyer today.

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