Coronavirus: Important Updates and Measures

Well, it looks as if the State of California is pretty much on lockdown right now. That does NOT mean the Pasadena Law Group is closed — we are open for business! Although we can’t hold face-to-face meetings, we can do online meetings and, if you need to sign documents that must be notarized, we can take advantage of electronic notary procedures. Besides, there’s always the phone. Stay tuned for more solutions.

I must say that I will miss seeing my clients in person. It’s one of the things I like best about my job. However, what I like even better is the sense that I am helping people, and I see no reason why self-isolation should prevent me from continuing to do that.

So, if you have concerns about your legal preparation for our new reality, give me a call. And, if you know someone who has expressed worries about their preparedness, I’d be happy to talk to them, too.

Take care and stay safe.

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