Paying for health care expenses can sometimes seem impossible, especially if you have no insurance. Even with insurance, some illnesses can cost more than you might ever imagine with out of pocket costs quickly mounting up.
Many people are now turning to crowdfunding sites such as GoFundMe or GiveForward to raise the needed money.
Some of these sites even have special sections devoted to specific diseases like cancer, says a story in the New York Times.
In addition to medical bills, people are using the sites to raise money for things such as funerals or nursing home care.
But the best success rates in raising money are for unusual expenses, not routine or continuing care. For example, it is easier to raise money to buy a wheelchair than to pay for long-term geriatric care.
To have the best success, the article suggests using Facebook and other social media sites to generate additional interest. And you should ask over and over. And asking for just a small amount – even a few dollars – can go a long way.
If you have questions about estate planning or elder care, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.