Don’t Wait On Elder Care Decisions

For elderly people who can no longer live alone, making a decision on what to do next can be an overwhelming task.

Is it time to move into a nursing home? How about assisted living? Or will home care work?

A story in the New York Times says this is the choice millions are facing and they are finding they can’t make the decision alone.

In the story, a woman in that situation got advice from a doctor who also serves as a financial planner. Granted, there may not be many doctor-financial planners out there, but the story serves to warn that advice must come from different experts and counsel should not be sought after a medical emergency, but rather beforehand.

The story suggests contacting the Aging LIfe Care Association for help. The group provides experts in a number of fields, including health, finances, disabilities and housing.

It notes that elder care lawyers can draft directives that give children or trusted advisors power of attorney in the event of mental or health disabilities so that medical decisions can be made and bills paid.

Family doctors must also play a role, it says.

If you have questions about elder law, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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