Ernie Banks Estate Feud

A caretaker for baseball great Ernie Banks is accused of coercing the ailing player to altering his will to leave all his assets to her.

The Chicago Cub great died last month of a heart attack at age 83. But dementia was cited as a contributing factor.

He had signed a new will months before his death, his family attorney said, according to a story on CNN. He gave the caretaker, Regina Rice, power of attorney, health care proxy and a will giving her all of his assets.

His son, Jerry, said he believes she coerced him while he was ill.

The caretaker, however, said she was carrying out his wishes.

The dispute comes on the heels of another between Rice and Banksโ€™ fourth wife, Elizabeth, over how his remains should be handled.

Banks supposedly told Rice he wanted to be cremated and his ashes spread over Wrigley Field. But his wife filed suit to prevent that from happening. To further complicate the matter, documents have surfaced saying that he was in the process of divorcing her.

If you have questions about estate planning, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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