Estate Planning Can Save Thousands

The cost of dying as well as the time leading up to it can be very expensive.

A story on says that preplanning for your death and the time leading up to it can save you thousands.

The first step is to speak to an elder law attorney, the story says.

They can help prepare you and your family for the financial road ahead, as well as the possible mental or physical incapacitation.

The goal of estate planning is avoiding probate and its expenses, the story says.

If you don’t prepare, your entire life savings and home may be at stake due to the high costs of long-term care.

With proper planning, you can protect your assets, it says.

You should have a living will and designate a medical and financial power of attorney.

While an estate planning attorney will cost money, it could be less expensive than going through probate, the story adds.

And once you handle your estate, it may be time to think about your funeral, it adds.

If you have questions about estate planning, feel free to call us at (626) 696-3145 for a consultation.

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