Estate planning for Millennials and Xers

Signing testamentNobody likes to think about the prospect of being old, disabled, incapacitated or dying. But it is when you are young that you should think about your finances, your possessions and your family.

The biggest mistake millennials make is that they associate estate planning with the elderly and the rich, says an article on They think they have enough time to plan such serious matters. But everybody has assets and belongings that should be designated.

People typically start planning with the birth of their first child but the article says the time to start is when you first start earning. You now have assets to protect. And if you are married, the financial security of your spouse is at risk and is your responsibility.

Estate planning will ensure that your assets are inherited by your family and not handled by the court in the event of your death.

It is not to early to start.

If you have questions about estate planning, feel free to contact us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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