Google Follows Digital Estate Planning Trend

Beginning in early April, Google users will have an easier time preparing their digital estate plans. As a recent article reports, Google has recently launched its “Inactive Account Manager,” which may be utilized by users to direct what happens with the data they have stored in Google applications after their death.

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Google applications include Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube, and Google +. Between these applications, users may have a large amount of pictures, emails, videos, and other electronic data stored. A recent message from Google asks users,  “What should happen to your photos, emails and documents when you stop using your account?”

One innovative feature of Google’s Inactive Account Manager is that it allows users to select when and why their account will be deemed inactive. Users can set the amount of time their accounts must sit inactive before the Inactive Account Manager is launched. Moreover, Google will contact the user via email or text message to warn them that their timeout period is about to expire.

Once your timeout period expires, you can select what Google will do with your data. One option is to simply delete everything. If you do not want your accounts deleted, you can elect to have your information sent to a friend or family member.

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