How to Add a Side Hustle to Your Retirement Plan

If you are looking ahead towards retirement, you may be curious about whether you should transition out of the workforce completely.

Many people who enter retirement still would benefit from an additional stream of income and will also like some way to spend their time that fulfills them. A side hustle or a hobby that you can also earn some money from is an excellent way to direct your attention during this period of your life.

Side hustles are extremely popular for people entering retirement because many online opportunities today make it easy to take on something flexible that is in line with your best interests. Having the support of an experienced estate planning professional and other pros to organize your documents can give you peace of mind that if something happens to you, you have legal documents to protect yourself.

A side hustle, however, gives you the additional peace of mind associated with earning extra income and generating a future for you and your loved ones reliant on how you best choose to spend your time. As an added bonus, you can become an expert in a whole new field and turn that hobby you have loved into a paying job.

To talk more about how retirement and estate planning go hand in hand, set aside time to talk to a lawyer.

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