Important Questions to Consider in Pet Estate Planning

There are many different avenues available to you if you own pets and want to make sure that you have an opportunity to protect them if something happens to you. Many people want to provide immediate care opportunities for their pets, such as appointing a trusted family member, friend, or neighbor with the ability to step in and care for these animals in the short term.

However, more advanced planning can also help you put tools into place, such as trusts that will help you to provide ongoing care for your furry friends for many years to come. The most important way to approach pet estate planning is to schedule a time to meet with an experienced and knowledgeable estate planning lawyer. Your estate planning lawyer will help walk you through many of the most important questions associated with planning, including:

  • Do you want your pets to live at home, at a sanctuary, or with a chosen loved one?
  • Are there any health concerns with any of your pets that you want someone else to be aware of?
  • Who will be responsible for providing daily care and do you have a backup person appointed in this role?
  • Who will handle any funds left behind specifically to care for your pets?
  • What financial resources will be sufficient to provide the care that you wish your pets to have?

Working with a lawyer can give you peace of mind around this process and help you think about many of the most important questions and considerations in determining how your pet family members will be careful if something happens to you.

Contact our office today to begin the process of planning your estate. At our Pasadena estate law firm office, we’ll help you plan for your pets and other members of your family.





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