Before Albert Ravenholt died in 2010, he drafted a will with a unique provision. The provision stated that, in order to receive their inheritance, his nieces and nephews would have to attend a Ravenholt family reunion.
Specifically, the will states that every two years, in either August or September, Ravenholt’s nieces and nephews would have to attend a family reunion in Polk County, Wisconsin. Any heir who fails to attend would receive no inheritance for the next two years.
“It was incentive to make people come,” explained niece Meg Ravenholt-Hankin, “it was his idea and he told the lawyers how he wanted it to work. So far, his plan has worked. At the last reunion, all but two nieces and nephews were in attendance. Of the two missing, one was starting a new job, and the other was dealing with an ongoing illness. The relative with the illness still received his share of the inheritance, as the will provided an exception for those who could not attend for medical reasons.
The idea of putting conditions on inheritance is not unique to Ravenholt. One condition rising in popularity among those currently planning their estates requires that inheritance be used for travel. Conditions placed on inheritances are typically enforceable unless they are against public policy, such as those based on marriage or religion.
For assistance drafting special provisions in your will, contact us at (626) 696-3145.