Planning to Work Longer? You’re Not Alone

A new research project by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies identified that nearly two-thirds of baby boomers intended to continue working beyond age 65. Approximately, half of those who do aim to retire intend to have some form of employment during that time and some individuals planned never to retire. Those people who are looking to have some employment after retirement are looking for a phased and flexible transition into retirement.ThinkstockPhotos-162759311

Some of the most common reasons for continuing to work even after reaching retirement age or delaying retirement have to do with a desire for employer sponsored health benefits and the need for additional income. Many other individuals hope to simply stay involved in their field or enjoy what they do. One of the most important things you can do as you approach the retirement process is to stay as healthy as possible.

Monitoring projected retirement income needs and having the necessary legal documents that can assist you if you were to become incapacitated or to pass away suddenly can give you a great deal of peace of mind. It is critical to also have a backup plan in the event that you were to suddenly have to retire earlier than you planned for health or other reasons.

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