Starting Conversation With An Aging Parent

Beginning a conversation with an aging parent about their health and the care they may need in the future can be difficult. There are several approaches that can be taken to start the ball rolling.

Me and my shopping cart
(Photo credit: Ed Yourdon)

A story on suggests three ways to get started:

    1) Be specific. You don’t necessarily have to start with the big questions. Instead it may be easier to begin by asking such things as “How often do you go to the grocery store?” or “Is it hard to carry in the groceries?” Their answers to such specific questions like this can help you determine what is going on with them.

    2) Begin by talking about others. You might try asking them how they dealt with their own parents as they started to age. You might get some clues about what they would want for themselves.

    3) Be honest. Tell them what you are worried about and be direct. If you are upfront about expressing your own feelings, they may do the same.

If you have questions about elder care, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.

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