Step 3 of End of Life Planning: Be Aware of the Tax Burden

Now is the time to start thinking about how you can leave money behind to your heirs. One of the easiest ways to do this with tax advantages is through a Roth IRA. Brokerage accounts can also be beneficial since capital gains taxes would likely be eliminated due to the step up in basis from the original price paid.

If a person buys stock at a particular dollar amount per share and that price increases overtime if the owner sells the stock, that owner has the responsibility of paying the capital gains based on the higher price.

However, if the owner passes away and then leaves that stock to a beneficiary or heir, the new owner gets the stock at the new basis price. Any gains after that will be used to calculate the taxes owed, not based on the original price that the first owner obtained when purchasing the item. If an asset has decreased drastically in dropped value, you might want to contemplate selling the mutual fund, stock or ETF. The original owner can deduct losses by selling and then deducting the loss.

However, heirs are not eligible to take this step down since they would be bringing on the stock through inheritance at a new lower basis. Another way to maximize your tax advantages in your end of life planning is to take any required minimum distributions out of your retirement accounts. Your loved ones listed as your heirs might not know how to do this and there would be major penalties for not taking it. Charitable donations can also help you to accomplish your philanthropic goals and to minimize your taxes.

Although your heirs would have to pay tax on the money if it were inside your retirement account, a charity would not. You need to consult with a financial professional as well as an estate planning attorney if you are thinking about sudden end of life panning events and how these should be specifically managed with your individual needs in mind. The support of an attorney is invaluable during this time.

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