Technology Update

I hope all of my readers are well.

I thought I would give you a brief update on our efforts to continue to serve you. In my last COVID-19 posting, I wrote about how I am handling signing documents while abiding by orders from the City of Pasadena/County of Los Angeles/State of California to stay home.

The biggest hiccup has been having documents notarized. That’s a problem, because documents that involve real property — that is, things like deeds, trusts, or powers of attorney — must be notarized under California law.

California does not allow remote notarization — that is, when the notary acknowledges a document even when the person signing the document is not in the same room as the notary. However, some other states do. California will honor a document validly notarized in another state. I have therefore started developing relationships with a couple of remote notaries in Nevada (why Nevada? Because it’s the same time zone as California). So, when it’s time to sign your planning documents, we will work with the remote notary to get it done. I’ll walk you through the entire process before you sign the documents.

The moral of the story? We can pretty much do whatever it is we need to do to protect your interests while we are all sheltering in place. I miss seeing everyone in person, but it’s good to know that, even while we are remote, I can take care of my clients. So, if you’re thinking you might want to talk to me about your current needs, I’d love to hear from you. If you know people who have expressed concern about protecting themselves and their families, I’d be happy to talk to them, too.

Take care and stay safe.

Very truly yours,

Jan Copley

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