Things To Do Before You Die

Have a bucket list? Want to jump out of a plane? See the Taj Mahal?

Cover of The Bucket List
Cover of The Bucket List

Well, an article on has a list of things to do before you die, but they all have to do with estate planning.

The story lists 16 things. We will list the top 5.

  • Make an inventory of your stuff. Anything worth over $100.
  • Add up your monetary assets. Bank accounts, retirement plans, insurance policies and so forth.
  • Make list of credit card and other debts. You can start by getting a free credit report.
  • Make a list of your favorite charities. So your heirs will know what charities you might want to help after you die.
  • Send a copy of your assets list to your estate administrator. Also, make a copy for your spouse and keep one for yourself.

Once you do all these things, and others listed in the story, you will be on your way to knowing your overall financial and estate picture. That will make drawing up your estate plan that much easier.

If you have questions about estate planning, feel free to call us for a consultation at (626) 696-3145.


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