Three Reasons to Use a Legal Professional to Create Your Durable Power of Attorney

Are you thinking about drafting a durable power of attorney in California? This is crucial for your personal and legal decision-making.

A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that grants another person the authority to make decisions for you, and this power remains effective even if you are incapacitated. The key features of a California durable power of attorney include that you can designate this trusted person, this remains valid even if you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself, and that it can specify the extent of power given, such as legal or financial decisions.

An attorney is invaluable during this process of drafting your durable power of attorney. Attorneys bring three major benefits to the table, guidance, assistance with execution, and drafting and review. Choosing the right agent and which powers should be granted is the cornerstone of developing your durable power of attorney. Your lawyer will also ensure that your drafted DPOA meets all legal requirements in California and appropriately reflects your individual wishes. Finally, your lawyer will assist with proper execution of the durable power of Attorney, protecting your wishes by ensuring that this is legally valid.

This includes taking steps such as notarization or witnessing. It can also be very helpful to have an attorney at your side to answer your questions throughout this process, as they are likely to emerge. Your attorney can also help you in the event that you need to change your DPOA.

Contact our Pasadena estate planning lawyers for further support.

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