Whether getting ready to go to college, joining the military, or undertaking a different venture altogether, everyone in California needs an estate plan. Once a child reaches age 18, their parents do not have legal eligibility to make decisions for them anymore.
This means that if you have an 18 year old child or a 17 year old who will turn 18 soon and they go off to college and get admitted to the hospital, you may not be eligible to receive information about their health care without additional documents. Everyone who is at least age 18 needs a couple of basic estate planning documents, even if they do not have many assets to their name.
An advanced health care directive and a power of attorney are two of the most important for young adults. These are the documents that name someone else to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so, such as from an accident, a serious illness or other incident. Many people assume that incapacitating events are only those that happen to the elderly.
But incapacity can happen instantly from an injury, a health care diagnosis or from an accident. Deciding what decisions you’d like considered, and who you’d like to serve in this role is extremely important. Make sure you discuss it with a qualified estate planning lawyer in Pasadena to learn more. If you’re the parent of a soon-to-be or already 18 year old, now is the perfect opportunity to work with an estate planning lawyer about these next steps. Our Pasadena estate planning office is here to support you by asking the right questions and helping you create a customized plan for your future.