What Laws Apply When You Inherit Property from Another Country?

It might initially seem like a scam when you receive a notification from an estate planner in another country or for someone managing the probate of a loved oneโ€™s estate, that you have received a real estate located in a foreign land.

This might initially seem exciting but the truth of the matter is that it can be very complex from a planning perspective. The laws of the foreign land will be applicable when it comes to handling how the property passes on to you. Filing a great deal of paperwork, navigating a foreign legal system in a foreign language, transferring accounts, paying expenses, and dealing with any of the immediate issues associated with the real estate can all present challenges and problems for a beneficiary.

If you currently own real estate in another country, it is a good idea to set aside time to talk to your own estate planning attorney about how this may influence your own future and make things easier for your loved ones.

The way that you structure this transfer of the property can ensure that they enjoy it or are able to sell it sooner rather than later. The support of a professional goes a long way in minimizing problems and reducing concerns for you and your beneficiaries.

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