What To Know About Using a Trust to Pass on Intergenerational Values

An appropriately created directed trust can help to provide for the promotion of social and fiscal responsibility because of the role that members on the directed trust distribution committee can play.

As part of an overall wealth management strategy, you might wish to consult with an experienced estate planning lawyer about how to use a trust to help to support your family for generations to come while also passing on powerful values. A distribution committee determines the trust distributions and directs the administrative trustee based on that.

Advisors and family members can serve on these distribution committees and can help determine what happens to principle and income. Those loved ones who are aware of philanthropic goals and other intentions can help to be an active voice for the distribution of trust funds for years to come. When establishing a trust, it is very important to think about goals you want to accomplish now as well as those you intend to accomplish over time.

Who you’ve involved in the key roles in the creation of your trust has significant impacts on your next steps. Make sure that you are prepared to consult with a dedicated and knowledgeable lawyer about your goals with estate planning in California.



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