When to Write and Update Your Will

It is often difficult for an individual to go through the process of planning for his or her own death. This, however, is an extremely important action that everyone must take in order to provide for the well-being of his or her heirs in death. A recent article discusses certain events after which it is vital to create or revise your estate plan. These trigger events are listed below:

Last Will And Testament
Last Will And Testament (Photo credit: Ken_Mayer)
  1. Getting married or divorced
  2. The birth or death of children or grandchildren
  3. Starting or dissolving a business
  4. Buying, selling, or loosing a home
  5. A recent health scare or diagnosis

Estate planning attorneys recommend that people update their estate plans every five years, despite the occurrence of a trigger event. Laws often change, your health may change without you being aware of it, and other events may have occurred within your family that will change the way you wish to distribute your estate upon your death.

It is vital that you keep your estate planning documents up to date. After any of these events occur, or simply after a significant amount of time passes, speak with your estate-planning attorney concerning how you may wish to change your estate.

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