What exactly is an elder care plan?
Elder law attorneys deal with legal documents such as living wills, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, durable powers of attorney for health care decisions and finances, as well as wills.
Elder care managers deal with geriatric assessments which may include a physical and psychological evaluation. Then recommendations are made concerning care and living arrangements.
Financial planners deal with retirement planning, preservation of assets, long term care insurance and other financial matters that can help ensure there is enough for living expenses, especially if skilled care is needed.
In addition, a good elder care plan should assign roles and responsibilities in writing, says an article in The Huffington Post. It should also include the person’s medical treatment preferences, a list of doctors the person trusts and other wishes such as what should be done with the person’s home.
If the person is diagnosed with a disease such as Alzheimer’s, planning should start as soon as the diagnosis is made, the story says.
If you have questions about elder law, feel free to contact us for a consultation at (626-696-3145.